
Posts Tagged ‘pollen’

Today I noticed that the cactus by the vegetable garden is covered in blooms. And I noticed that the blooms were covered in bees. I love bees. The only time I have been stung was when I smashed one with my shoe as a child and then later accidentally placed my hand on the bee stinger. Ironic. It got me, even in death.

This cactus pad was covered!! I love that there's a mix of pink and yellow. Also the flowers are so unique!

A bee flying up to the bloom to check it out.

This was one special bloom! The bees were all "fighting" over it.

Aside from my one bee sting as a kid, I’ve never had much of a problem with the bees. While other people freak out over them, I’m following them around. They buzz near by as I work in my garden. They pause on a bloom while I lean in close to take a shot with my phone.

You see bees are really docile. They don’t want to sting you. It means death for them. It’s suicide. They’d rather frolic in the pollen. Just don’t swat at them or beat on their hive. Respect their space and they’ll respect yours.

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